eBook: $35

eBook & Book (with worldwide FREE SHIPPING): $60

Thomas Howard is the pseudonym of an internationally known Palm Reader and esoteric entertainer. 

In this book you will discover the real work that has helped to get him high end clients, magazine features, and endorsements from celebrities, as he tips his thoughts and years of experience on giving short and meaningful palm Readings.  

Knowing how to read people is an essential tool for mentalists and magicians alike who wish to really connect with those that they work for. So whether you want to actually give Readings during your gigs, or just add some more meaning to your work, this book will help propel you to new heights. Be warned, this is not a book to boost your own ego, but more precisely a framework, structure, and set of mnemonic aids to ensure you have the confidence and ability to give empathetic, accurate and meaningful Readings with failsafes in place to further help assist you on your journey. 

  If you are interested in leaving your audiences feeling inspired and uplifted, as all entertainers should be, then this book can really help add that extra bit of intrigue, mystery, and meaning to your work. 

But don’t just trust the ad copy, CLICK HERE for a free 10+ page sample of the book to help you decide if it really is of interest to you and suits your own style.

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